Servant King
October 8 – 29, 2023
4 Sermons
Arrogance is often celebrated these days as a mark of confidence. It appears to be the qualification of the powerbrokers of our world, whether it’s in politics, sports, business, or anywhere else. This is nothing new. Puffed chests and inflated egos have dotted the leadership landscape throughout human history. But 2000 years ago, Jesus appeared on the scene, modeling a different way of leadership and authority. Though He was King of Kings, Jesus stooped low to become the servant of servants. His Kingdom transcends all the kingdoms and empires of this world and yet Jesus chose to become the servant of all. But not only did Jesus lead by serving, He also called His followers to do the same. Join us for our next series as we learn to follow the Servant Leader.
~ Fitz
MESSAGE: 52: Servant King – How Did Jesus Feel About Himself?
SPEAKER: Mark Ledford
DATE: October 29, 2023
MESSAGE: 52: Servant King – Was Jesus Full of Himself?
DATE: October 22, 2023
MESSAGE: 52: Servant King – Was Jesus Political? (Part 1)
DATE: October 8, 2023