August 6 – 27, 2023
4 Sermons
Everyone loves a good story. But only some people have the gift of storytelling, like Steve Spielberg, Garrison Keillor, Taylor Swift, and Madeleine L’Engle. I still fondly remember snuggling next to my grandfather for story time, hearing his tales of adventure. Imagination was ignited. Curiosity was piqued. I was captivated. There’s something inviting about a good story told well. And there’s something compelling about a good story with a good point. Some of Jesus’ most memorable lessons were wrapped in stories. His stories invite us to find our place in the narrative. They invite us to identify with the characters and to participate in the events. Jesus’ stories were meant to be experienced, not just heard. But Jesus’ stories always had a truth, and they often had a twist. More than telling a story to help us escape reality, Jesus told stories to help us understand reality. His stories brought the truth He taught to life. In our next series we listen to what Jesus wants to tell us, as we sit at the feet of the Storyteller.
MESSAGE: 52: Sign Language – How Did Jesus Lead?
DATE: August 27, 2023
MESSAGE: 52: Sign Language – How Can I Be Sure I’m Saved?
DATE: August 20, 2023
MESSAGE: 52: Sign Language – How Do I Hear God’s Voice?
DATE: August 13, 2023
MESSAGE: 52: Sign Language – How Does Jesus Feel About Prodigals?
DATE: August 6, 2023