Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
Here’s a short list of questions you might have about the 90 Day Challenge and tithing in general. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us at giving@okolonacc.org.
What is tithing?
The word “tithe” is derived from a Hebrew word and means one-tenth. In Malachi 3:10-11, God says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house.” The ‘storehouse’ is the Old Testament picture of the New Testament church. So as New Testament believers, we worship the Lord with the tithe; or the ten percent.
What is the difference between a tithe and an offering?
The tithe is 10% of your income. God says that He has given us all that we own and that the first 10% is dedicated to Him, and we are to be faithful in “bringing the tithe.” Offerings are any generous giving over and above your tithe. While your tithe is designated for the local church, an offering is for you to be generous wherever you see a need.
Many followers of Christ confuse giving regularly with tithing, and while giving regularly is highly commendable, tithing is taking a full 10% of your paycheck, and giving it to the local church.
How do I participate in the 90 Day Challenge?
Start by completing the 90 Day Challenge Commitment Card, either in person or online at Okolonacc.org/generosity. This enables us to keep your finances separate from the church’s main funds, and it also gives us your agreement to the terms and conditions of the 90 Day Challenge.
Then, each pay period give 10% of your income online, by check payable to Okolona Christian Church, or by offering envelope with your name and 90 Day Challenge marked. Checks and Envelopes can be put in the offering or mailed to OCC, 10801 Faithful Way, Louisville, KY 40229. identify your “challenge” funds by consistently writing “90 Day Challenge” on your checks or in the memo for online giving.
How will you keep track of my tithe?
OCC carefully and confidentially tracks each gift to provide each giver with an end of the year report on their contributions by request.
What are the benefits of tithing?
Tithing carries multiple benefits. Perhaps the most significant is that when we trust God with our finances, our faith grows, and we become more aware of God’s active presence in our lives.
Where does my money go?
OCC is 100% supported through your tithes and offerings. The money you give goes toward our local and global efforts to Help EVERYONE Find and Follow JESUS.
Should I give while I’m trying to get out of debt?
Yes! This may sound irrational, but by obeying God first in your finances, we believe that God will supernaturally revolutionize your financial situation. If you need more advice on this please contact us at giving@okolonacc.org.